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EU Cookie Compliance for D8… |→
By updating the EU Cookie Compliance module for my site in Drupal 8, I had to change some settings and review the translations because not everything… more
Another tool to avoid eye… |→
In Xubuntu 18.04 I had some problems with the functioning of f.lux, so I migrated to Redshift. These are software which adjusts the color temperature… more
How to alternate colours when… |→
I am continuing the development of my script to auto-transfer Calendar entries into a spreadsheet. In this article I show you a convenient function… more
easyMP3gain on ubuntu 18.04… |→
After the installation of the last version of Xubuntu, I discovered that easyMP3Gain doesn't function for this release. However with a little of… more
5 steps to auto-transfer your… |→
In the article and more accurately described in the video, I explain you how to export your calendar events into a spreadsheet using the Google Apps… more
How to write a LaTeX macro that… |→
In order to answer at a comment in an old article, I have discovered an interesting trick to bypass the limit of the predetermined arguments that… more

From my blog

This call for tender should not… |→
Two years ago I had the brillant idea to register me in a call for tender released by the Italian Ministry of Transport in order to hire 70 civil engineers throught three tests. But among extension,… more
Any blessed October
For the last two years towards the end of September, I must to decide my present and future working. So I did in 2011 when I left a secure job to devote myself in a full time occupation more… more
Rebirth of a dead site walking… |→
Some week ago I took part in a meeting of old youthful rugby players nearby the Villadose Club House, at the same time there was a beautiful promotion initiative dedicated to kids. So watching their… more
Programming saved me from… |→
At the beginning for necessity: I needed a tool to speed and to check the exercises at the University, today I reduced drastically times in designing.Sometimes a casual event leads to a surprising… more
About eBook reader: a total… |→
It is a electronic gadget little widespread, but with some hint it might be an optimal solution to read comfortably digital documents, without using printer or staying for long time in front at the… more
Online at last!
I have been stopped from many doubts, corrections, changes... but finally I publish it! In others word I moved it from my computer where it has been living for many weeks and I put it online.There… more
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