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Working from scratch, following simplicity

Template for Developer CV with my updates and cover letter

I was just a little annoyed to use the same Curriculum Vitae templates and so I have choice another one that I found on LaTeXTemplates: the Developer CV. I updated it inserting the cover letter with the same header of the CV, the space for a profile image near the name and a easy setup of the colours that highlight each section of the document. As always in the article I put the download links and a brief description of my additions.

The original Developer CV is available here and was originally created by Jan Vorisek based on a template by Jan Küster. It has been extensively modified for this website by Vel. It is distributed under The MIT License. 

I chose it because has a beautiful style and pagination (even if I found the black fill colour is too depressing). But above all it let you to have only a page for your CV, that is enough for a recruiter that every day check many curricula. If he/she is interested to you, in the top right corner there are all the links to delve into your knowledge (your site and profile on Linkedin, Github, Twitter, etc.) .

Template for Developer CV with my updates and cover letter

My additions

Before the beginning of the document I have inserted the settings for enable/disable the Cover Letter page and set the colours:

\includecomment{coverletter} % To in(ex)clude cover letter


After there is the header section, that appear both in the cover and in the CV, besides if you don't want put your picture you can set the height to zero:

\includegraphics[trim=0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm, height=2.55cm]{no_profile.png}


You can find and download my template in Overleaf and GitHub at these following links:

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Nicola Rainiero

Ingegnere civile specializzato in geotecnica con l'ambizione di facilitare la propria attività lavorativa usando e creando software libero per un sapere condiviso e collettivo. Mi occupo anche di energie rinnovabili ed in particolare di geotermia a bassa entalpia. Sono da sempre appassionato di web design e modellazione 3D.