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PROCAD 2.60 in Blender 2.49b:… |→
After importing DXF in Blender, some problems start immediately because the common commands present in any CAD don't exist in Blender, or simply aren't so simply to use as in the classical drawing… more
My traffic surveys app using… |→
I have tried to adapt my old Python application written for S60 smartphones into a modern webapp which should be able to work in any recent internet browser. Therefore I have used jQuery Mobile to… more
Directive on Privacy in Drupal… |→
I would have liked to use an amazing title like “Different Countries need different privacy rules”, but it could have been wrong and not summarized the content of this article. After all the… more
Import DXF into Blender &… |→
If you need a powerful and versatile 3D software not only for modelling and texturing but also for creating interactive applications, you should have to try Blender. Sometimes its interface can… more
From the past: a traffic survey… |→
Two years ago I had to make many traffic surveys along a big road in Rovigo city during the rush hours: in the early morning and in the late afternoon. I simply had had to count the numbers of cars… more
Patch & module to stop… |→
Recently I have been testing a patch for the captcha module and a custom module to ban temporarly the spambots that usually attack my Drupal 7 website. The results could be promising. Here is my… more

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